Hi Hustlers!
If you have joined the Performance Week at Hustle, you might be curious about what the two (2) rep max (2RM) test is all about.
The two-repetition maximum test is used to find out the heaviest weight you can lift for 2 reps (not three!). The reason we use a 2RM instead of 1RM is because we want to ensure that the lift is performed with the correct technique. Often, when trying to beat your 1RM, you might sacrifice your technique to lift as heavy as you can. When you have to lift for two reps, you have to make sure you choose the appropriate weight load to be able to go again, and thus it’s more likely to result in a better technique.
Knowing your 2RM allows you to choose the right weight for each exercise so you can maximize your training and progressively build your strength. You might hear the coach say “Aim for 85% of your RM on this set”. This allows you to have a benchmark during your lift sessions.
Our strength programs are designed to improve muscle endurance, strength and power. When you train at a specific percentage of your 2RM, you’ll be following a scientifically proven training technique to achieve your goals.
Using your RM, combined with other training techniques such as variable resistance training, can also help you to overcome a training plateau and continue progressing.
It’s a tool everyone can use to strategically increase their strength, it’s not just for bodybuilders and powerlifters.
3.1. Warm Up
When attempting to hit a new PR (Personal Record), it’s important to get muscles ready for action the right way. We’re trying to stimulate your central nervous system (CNS) to work as efficiently as possible. You’ll need a great warm up before the test and our coaches are there to support you.
A proper 2RM warm up includes explosive movements in an unloaded fashion to stimulate the CNS, getting the muscle fibers lit up and ready to rock. During your warm up, complete well below the amount of reps you can do.
3.2. Rest Matters
In typical weight training sets, resting between 60 and 120 seconds is common practice. While working up to your max effort, rest intervals need to be longer. The reason is to give your CNS adequate time to recover. Even though your muscles may not feel fatigued, your brain and motor units will be. Once you get to sets of 2, rest between 3 and 4 minutes between sets.
3.3. Go For It
These tricks of the trade will be the ticket to a new PR in the weight room. Keep in mind that depending on what exercise you’re training, you may need to increase the load little by little. For example, a 10kg increase in the Squat from one set to the next will feel very different from a 10kg increase in a Push Press.
Firstly, you will have to convert your 2RM into 1RM because your training program will be designed based on different percentages of your 1RM.
Download the app 1RM in the link here: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/one-rep-max-calculator-1rm-lift-log/id950621710

Depend on what is your training goals, you can choose the right weight and reps you should do by NSCA recommends the following training loads for resistance training:
- Strength: 4 – 6 reps of at least 85% 1RM
- Hypertrophy: 6 – 12 reps of 67–85% 1RM
- Endurance: At least 12 reps of less than 67% 1RM

I want to improve my Squat in the next PB class and my Squat result for 2RM is 150kg, my 1RM will be 160kg. My training plan will look like:
1st month 65% – 75% 1RM → 104kg – 120kg
2nd month 75% – 85% 1RM → 120kg – 136kg
3rd month 85% – 95% 1RM → 136kg – 152kg
After 3 months training consistent with the program I might Squat 150kg for 3 or 4 reps and at that moment I know my performance has improved and I will be able to aim for a new Personal Best (PB)
150kg 3RM → 165kg 1RM → increase 10% → 2RM ~ 155kg – 160kg
150kg 4RM → 170kg 1RM → increase 13% → 2RM ~ 155kg – 165kg
We can use the same calculation for Bench Press, Deadlift or Bench Press movements to design your training program. Share with us what your next goal is and see you in the next Performance Week! If you are unsure about any of the information above, feel free to ask one of your Hustle coaches. We will be there to help!
Keep up the Hustle!